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This game scared the crap out of me to say the least lol. Overall good game! I should go back and play ep 1 too

pretty interesting game. really fun to play 

Played Ep 1 and 2 back to back. They were fun, the 2nd one had real good use of tension and even though I didn't get jumpscared, I would say the workplace sequence was a bit stressful, especially with having to swap from flashlight and gun. Thanks for making them.

This game made me scream so much.

The atmosphere and story seem really great, but I seemed to have issues whilst playing the game. My character is always moving, even when I don't press any of the direction keys. I put this to one side as I could still fight against that to move my character around and progress the story.

However, once I got to the action part of the game I was unable to fire the shotgun, rendering it impossible for me to go any further. Honestly don't know why I'm having this issue as nobody else seems to be, super disappointed though as I was really enjoying it! I did do a video up to a certain point which I will upload though, just for posterity!

Do you have a controller connected? It may be the problem

Aaaaaand now I'm officially the stupidest person on the planet haha! That would probably be it... can't believe I didn't think of that!

This game was absolutely terrifying!! The ambiance, the scares, the story, all fantastic and very well done!! I am very happy to have played this and I cant wait to see more from you!!

YES YES YES. I've been waiting patiently for this one to come out... I absolutely loved the first episode and this one did not dissappoint by all means. As terrifying as those mannequin-like things could get, I couldn't stop enjoying myself the entire way through! The style is fantastic, the concept is great and the storytelling was really good! Can't wait for future episodes to come out! Absolutely well done!!!

This is a very creepy game with a disturbing story. The foggy and dark atmosphere gave the game a nice, heavy feel to it. I thought having to switch from flashlight to shotgun as the enemies rush you in the dark really added to the intensity of the game. I wanted to find all the pawns, but I was afraid of what would jump out and attack me if I spent too much time searching - LOL. This is a nice addition to the Real Stories from the Grave series and I hope to see a third episode. Great work DeadByte!

I LOVED this game. very well made and it scared the crap out of me. The combat however I think kinda killed the scares a tiny bit but hey you have to blast a boss so it was good on that front. I have played your previous game before and loved that also. I can't wait to see what you make next and the story too. 

Had to get used to the combat fast, the enemies get up in your ass.

Fantastic game with a ton of weirdness and some really good monsters. I did run into an issue with the boss fight running out of ammo, and sound stopping once reloading the level, but it was worth it to get the ending.

A lot about this surprised me (in a good way). Solid game. Finding all those pawns is a challenge.

Really great game. Super spooky, the mannequins   movements are freaky as heck.

Played through episode 1 and 2 for my channel and was blown away. Great job with both games! I can't wait to see what's next;

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It's really cool for the episodic style you're going for but it does kinda leave some questions open, I'm still not sure what's up with the apples or why these twisting sort of mannequins are the enemy of choice. It's super effective though, the first few mannequins got me bad but you get used to them! Gameplay if you're interested:

(1 edit) (+1)

You know, I noticed a very peculiar detail.

In the first episode, one of the notes mentions Christine Willard, a doctor who played a crucial part in the plot and in this one, the main character used to work for a company called Willard Pharmaceutical... 

Coincidence? I don't think so...

this game is well made and has a thought out story and sound mechanics very fun little horror game like 30 min long or so definitely worth playing if you can the enemys are creepy and the sound design is eerie if you want to see my full reaction to this game here it is 

if you watched i appreciate you and if you liked it consider subscribing it really helps the channel grow 

Very good game! I like it. Its like Silent Hill. I played first Episode and I loved it! I can't wait to see 3rd episode! Btw if you are interested, here is video of your game: 

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Wish i could play the game. Looks good and the first 20 minutes seems great. Unfortunately i do not have a powerful enough PC/Laptop to even run it in 30 fps. Would be great to have an optimization options so i could experience it smoothly. If it was a short experience i wouldn't complain, but since there is a weapon system, there should be enemies to kill at least, something to shoot. And with 15 fps, i'm sorry but i couldn't proceed any further, i got frustrated. Hope this helps and i'm very sorry i couldn't play the rest of the game.

Hello, i'm sorry you had problems playing it. We will try to optimize the game with next updates.

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As much as I loved the whole experience and found it very well-crafted, that one pawn hiding spot (inside a vase in the dark office building) was virtually impossible to figure out. All the others were decently placed, but that one was just illogical, since nothing in the game indicated we could break anything with the shots, aside from the enemies. Other than that, amazing work, looking forward to the next one!

However, I have a number of questions regarding the plot:

1. What's with the apples in the beginning, the number 19847120 and the doors in the end with the "no shotgun" signs?

2. From what I understand, Samuel didn't kill his wife and daughter (the wife was murdered by someone else and the daughter committed suicide), but snapped one day and murdered all of the employees of the job that he was once fired from?

3. That final boss... Is it supposed to represent our "inner monster"?

4. I might be wrong on this one, but does the voice on the radio belong to Samuel himself, narrating the experience of his own lost soul that was plunged in the purgatory?

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Hello, i'm glad you liked the game. I admit the pawn in the vase was a bad idea. For the rest of the questions there are no answers.

This game is extremely intense all the way through. The story is very hard hitting and unsettling, and then the game drops a heavy hammer of intensity about halfway through.  Seriously scary, perfectly paced, and overall just a damn good horror game. Amazing work! 

This is one of the best indie horror games that I've played! Well done guys. I was engaged the whole time and it felt like I was playing a Silent Hill game! 5/5

Loved the 1st game and this was even scarier! The way those things move was very unsettling.

You've set it to "released", so now it's fully finished, content-wise (I mean no more updates on the endings, characters, plot details, levels, etc)?

I will make some small updates to fix a few things, but i wont add anything else to the story

honestly a great jump in gameplay from the first!

Cool game. Definitely silent hill-y. I thought the end boss was a pair of pants.

Excellent game here great job devs :) looking forward to checking out the body!

My god dude, you're on FIRE, you captured the silent hill vibe perfectly, will the ep 3 be like fatal frame ?

Love the Silent Hill vibe. Great atmosphere, jump scares, overall creepy feel, story and fun gameplay mechanics. You don't see collectibles much especially in itch games. Love that touch adding replay ability to this game.

This is a really descent title! 

Amazing game mhann, I really enjoyed it .

After all, the shotgun is the best

great game i love it

It is amazing to see how similar this game is to the first Silent Hill game, but which has its own mechanics and narrative. Without a doubt, it is an impressive game. Kudos for your work.

This is really good, man! I loved the 1st game so I was really excited to see this one. You've got a really cool way of unfolding stories in your games. Great job, dude! Thanks for the fun!

(2 edits)

I managed to collect all 14/14 pawns and unlocked the secret ending!

Damn, this game was intense! I really liked it, and especially the fact that you reward exploration! The gameplay was great, the graphics good for the game art-style, the audio was amazing. That blood curling screams was horrible, and a great use of audio! The monsters/mannequins were incredibly scary, and the boos was well made and very interesting. Not much to add gameplaywise.

Damn, this game was intense! I really liked it, and especially the fact that you reward exploration! The gameplay was great, the graphics good for the game art-style, the audio was amazing. That blood curling screams was horrible, and a great use of audio! The monsters/mannequins were incredibly scary, and the boos was well made and very interesting. Not much to add gameplaywise.

As written in the description, the story is very much deep and can be a bit hard to deduce at first. Not as a result of the story being to hard to understand, it is very well introduced and told on the surface. But so much is going on at the same time, making it a bit hard to catch it all the first time. I am not sure there is really any way to fix this, as I would be sad to see the gameplay simplified. And then there is the fact that you most likely will have to play it more than once to find the hidden pawns anyway, so perhaps that is a solution in of itself. Despite this, the story is very well written and immersive in cooperation with the game.

I think this is a great second addition to the Stories From The Grave series, and it is clear that this game has taken the next step in game complexity. I hope the next addition/additions will be even better!

Looking forward to your future projects and releases!


The video has no audio?

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Arh, thanks for telling me. This happens sometimes when I render. I will have to rerender and upload it again, thanks for telling me haha. I am busy with school atm, so I do often not watch the vidio myself before I have time.

Should be fixed now! Thanks again!

I loved the detail of a final boss which we don't see much of those on here

hice un gameplay en español

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I will be playing and giving you a feedback in a few hours, have another project to finish first! Can not wait to try it out. It has ben so long since the first game was released in this series!

Edit: My vidio will be rendering overnight. Took a little longer with all those hidden pawns ;)

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